FACT Dialogue Collaboration Portal
Your opinion matters!
Your insights can help shape the solutions to the problem of commodity-driven deforestation.
This Collaboration Portal is a space to share ideas, best practice, learnings and solutions - a place for communities, businesses, investors, governments and producers to collaborate and help shape the conversation. Contributions here will feed directly into the Multi-stakeholder process and the Government-to-Government FACT Dialogue, leading up to COP26.
PLAN FOR AT-RISK LANDSCAPES: Decoupling deforestation and conversion from commodity production and achieving benefits for nature, climate and people
The UK has committed to reduce its footprint overseas. Addressing the impacts of supply chains on nature, people and climate will be central to discussions in the run-up to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties 26 (CoP26), including the Forest, Agriculture and Commodity Trade (FACT) Dialogue. To assist these discussions, we provide: (1) a compilation of learnings from initiatives on the ground to halt deforestation and/or conversion, emphasising the key elements for success, such as multi-stakeholder involvement, political leadership and finance; (2) a list of geographies linked to UK trade where action is most urgent, such as the Brazilian Amazon, the Cerrado, the Gran Chaco, Côte d’Ivoire and Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo); (3) a summary of the opportunities and challenges for the UK, such as the global processes on climate (UNFCCC CoP26) and on biodiversity (Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) CoP15); (4) a series of case studies from some of the above-mentioned geographies with insights on how to implement, improve and/or upscale actions to generate wider benefits to nature, climate and people.
FACT Dialogue Collaboration Portal
Your opinion matters!
Your insights can help shape the solutions to the problem of commodity-driven deforestation.
This Collaboration Portal is a space to share ideas, best practice, learnings and solutions - a place for communities, businesses, investors, governments and producers to collaborate and help shape the conversation. Contributions here will feed directly into the Multi-stakeholder process and the Government-to-Government FACT Dialogue, leading up to COP26.
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