Introducing the Scale Up Training, Traceability and Impact (SUTTI) initiative to train smallholders in fragmented supply chain
Ksapa designed the Scale Up Training, Traceability and Impact (SUTTI) initiative with a goal to positively impact 1 million vulnerable workers within the next decade. Worker-centric pilots are already underway that improve the productivity, livelihood and long-term resilience of vulnerable workers in fragmented supply chains across Asia and Africa. To that end, we align industrial players and other stakeholders as part of long-term value-creation schemes. SUTTI is a large-scale impact program that leans on a hybrid capacity-building model. It combines in-person and digital solutions to boost vulnerable worker training and monitor its impact in the process. We use innovative finance to scale an approach designed for maximum replicability and adaptability at an economically acceptable cost. That is how SUTTI ultimately creates value for vulnerable workers, industrials and investors alike. Through the capacity-building component of our program, we a) encourage on-site testing and sustainable practice adoption via digital community chats b) support transaction management c) monitor program impact and d) help vulnerable workers identify and leverage local market linkages. With that in mind, the underpinning digital applicative suite is designed for maximum compatibility with entry-level feature-phones and basic web browsers, works offline and is adapted to low-literacy workers.